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A Prayer for Hope in a Hopeless World

Heavenly Father, 

It is with a heavy and burdened heart that I come to You to today. There are so many broken and shattered people that are shell-shocked over the loss of loved ones. What has this world come too? It seems that Satan is in his glory, bringing death and destruction to innocent people in all walks of life. 

Our country seems intent on self-destruction. And Satan is using people who appear to be brainwashed into thinking that they are gods and hold the power over life and death. Which in a way they do, using guns, knives, bombs, and any other acts of violence they can access. They have power over physical death and are willing to give their own lives to prove it.

Why? Was it because they were raised in broken homes and a broken society? Or because they felt they were treated differently because of their skin color or religious beliefs? Were they bullied because they were different—shy and unsocial, unfriendly, and unapproachable, ignored, or unloved? 

I pray for the victims and their families, Lord. Christians and non-Christians alike are grieving over their incomprehensible loss. They are hurt and angry. They are lost and inconsolable. They feel they are alone. 

But Christians are not alone. They have You. Allow them to feel your Presence, Lord. Comfort them as only You can. Place compassionate and caring people in their life who will walk through this dark valley with them. Be their strength and their reason for moving into the future. Help them remember that while we all face physical death, our eternal life is with You. Our hope is with you.

For those that don’t know you, (and I’m including the perpetrators here) I pray that this will be an opportunity for them to come to know You. An opportunity for them to see Satan’s true evil nature. An opportunity to feel Your love and realize that their hope is in You; they can be free of Satan’s clutches once they come to know You and accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord. 

I pray that this country, will turn back to You. Putting You first and foremost, re-establishing a nation built on Christian values, making a nation that is strong and invincible when it comes to serving You and furthering Your Kingdom.

I know, Lord, that You feel our pain. You must be so sad and disappointed in how we are behaving and squandering our lives—lives that are so precious to You. Please don’t give up on us. Please open our eyes, hearts, and minds to Your ways, Your Will, and Your purpose for each of us. Place in each heart a burning desire to serve You and bring You glory. Rekindle our Hope, reassuring us that our eternal Hope is in You.

In Jesus’ Holy name I pray,


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Make today a day in which you try to be all that Christ saved you for and wants you to be.

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Christian wife, mother, grandmother and faith-based blogger.

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