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How to Appreciate Your Pastor

Do you take the time to appreciate your pastor? Your church leader may be referred to by a different name such as minister, reverend, vicar, etc. Whatever title the spiritual leader of your church goes by, the question is do you show them how much you appreciate their contributions and services to God’s church and your church family?

While October is recognized worldwide as Pastor Appreciation Month or Clergy Appreciation Month, showing appreciation for the leaders of our church is really something that we could and should do throughout the year. 

Our church likes to celebrate our pastor near the date of the actual anniversary of when he became pastor of our church—which is late July. However, many members of the church family like to do things for him during other times of the year as well.

What is Pastor Appreciation?

The concept of pastor appreciation can be traced back to Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy and 1 Thessalonians:

The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. 1 Timothy 5:17 (NIV)

12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 (NIV)

If we do as Paul suggests, we should show appreciation to all those who serve in the leadership areas and ministries of our church. They work diligently to keep the church going, assure people have a comfortable place to worship, and ensure that knowing and sharing Jesus is top priority. 

The pastor spends his time encouraging, leading, teaching, comforting, reassuring, and loving his church family as they face life’s challenges–both good and bad. And he does this all while usually under attack from Satan who is trying to discourage, overwhelm, and undermine his own faith.

Pastor appreciation

Why is it Important to Appreciate Your Pastor?

We must take time to realize all the things that pastors do. Do we recognize how hard they work, how much they sacrifice, and how dedicated they are to doing God’s work?

Pastors are “on the job” around the clock. Even on vacation or sick days the pastor is still the pastor and carries the burden of ultimate church leadership. 

A conscientious leadership team can provide support, but the pastor is still responsible for leading and shepherding the flock. That is a substantial responsibility—and a demanding one.

Pastors take care of the daily needs of the church. They prepare messages for weekly worship services, lead prayer meetings, and ensure campus/building maintenance is secure and financial obligations of the church are met. They answer questions and attend meetings.

In addition, the pastor must take care of nurturing the spiritual, emotional, and, at times, physical needs of the church family. 

Church members have no idea what some members share in confidentiality with the pastor each day. Many of these are burdens he must carry on his own with God’s help. 

The pastor counsels with broken families, broken hearts, and broken faith. He prays over the sick, the lost, the lonely, and the disgruntled. 

He mourns with those who have lost loved ones, often during funerals and celebrations of life events. 

The pastor encourages the weak and attempts to “reign in” the overzealous. He guides the confused and supports the hurting. 

The pastor reaches out to the lost and tells them about the grace and forgiveness offered through Jesus. 

He spends time in prayer. A lot of time.

What does a pastor do?

Other Things Pastors Do for Us

The pastor is often the glue that holds the church and community together. During life-altering events such as the COVID pandemic, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes, etc. his strength, guidance, and dedication to being God’s servant is not only well received, but much treasured.

Mercifully, pastors are allowed to share in many joyous occasions as well. He performs weddings, baptisms, baby dedications, and participates in special ministry events that involve both church and community. 

This is only a partial list of everything a pastor does. There are many more things he does for us that we don’t know about. This is why we should make it a point to share with him how much he is truly appreciated–because he works so hard.

appreciate your pastor

5 ways to Appreciate Your Pastor

There are many ways we can show our Pastor how much we appreciate him. Here are just a few suggestions:

1. Pray for him. 

Pray for him. Pray for his family. When a pastor serves a church, his entire family serves, especially if his children live at home. It is like living under a microscope. We don’t realize the pressure we put them under, both as individuals and as a family. Many times, we expect them to set the example of a perfect marriage, perfect family, and perfect life. We expect them to always be available, always be upbeat, never have a down day or negative attitude, and never struggle spiritually, emotionally, or physically.

Think about it. Paul tells us how the enemy “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) We also know that he (the enemy) comes only to “steal, kill and destroy.” (John 10:10)

If we, as believers must face the enemy’s attempts to thwart our relationship with God, think how much harder he is going to try to keep the leader of a family of believers discouraged, frustrated, and distracted. 

Satan wants to keep the Truth of God’s Word from getting out so he is going to do what he can to prevent it. This makes the pastor an obvious target. We must do we all we can to protect him with the power of our prayers. 

Just as we put on the “armor of God” (Ephesians 6:10-18) to protect ourselves, let’s include praying for God to protect our pastor with that very same armor.

2. Pray with him not just for him.

Pray with him prior to worship services and other events. He may have an issue he is struggling with. Whether he’s able to share it with you in detail or not, spend time with him in prayer encouraging him and showing him your support.

3. Recognize and celebrate his wife.

A pastor who is married leans heavily on his wife. She is his helpmate, his confidante, encourager, supporter, and cheerleader. She ministers to the church in her own way. She is often a go-between for those who aren’t comfortable taking issues straight to the pastor. Pastors love their wives and appreciate when the congregation members take time out to thank her and celebrate her role in the church.

4. Support and encourage his leadership.

There are many ways we can support and encourage our pastor in his leadership role. Attend worship services, prayer gatherings, business, or family meetings. Show an interest in the church, individual members, and as a servant of the Lord. 

We are commissioned to reach the lost (Matthew 28:19), so as believers we should do our part and not leave the “discipling” to the pastor alone.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19 (NIV)

5. Participate in a ministry or leadership role where you can make use of your spiritual gift(s).

A church family using their spiritual gifts can give a pastor encouragement and enthusiasm. When we become followers of Christ, we are each given a spiritual gift or gifts, not to keep to ourselves, but to share with others. In this way we are serving God, our pastor, and the church. 

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us.A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 (NLT)


There are several other small ways you can appreciate your pastor. Send him a hand-written note. Buy him a coffee (if he drinks it), lunch, or a gift card to his favorite fast-food eatery (ours is particularly fond of Chick-fil-A). Buy him a car wash or a book. Bake him a cake or invite him to dinner. 

It doesn’t matter how or when you show your appreciation, just show it in whatever small (or big) way you feel is appropriate. 

Appreciate your Pastor

A Prayer to Appreciate Your Pastor

Heavenly Father, 

Thank you so much for calling our pastor to this church, and for giving him the courage and commitment to answer your call. We have been blessed.

Please allow him to retain the passion of reaching others in Your name and bringing them to a saving knowledge of Jesus’ grace. 

Thank you for the wisdom and guidance you impart to him so that he can minister to our needs as his church family. Please continue to give him the knowledge he needs to keep us encouraged, focused, and devoted to serving you. 

We pray that you will protect him from Satan’s attacks and prevent him from falling prey to discouragement, frustration, apathy, and any other negativity resulting from the overwhelming responsibility he carries as the leader and shepherd of our church. Please protect him with the armor that Paul describes in Ephesians 6:10-18 that will enable him to discern what the enemy intends and stand firm against his deceitful schemes.

We pray that his faith will remain solid and steadfast and grow even stronger as he works to obediently follow your will. When he needs a helping hand, please put someone in his path to offer the encouragement, counsel, and direction he needs to remain moving forward.

Our prayers include the safety, nurturing and support of the pastor’s wife and family, knowing that they are not immune to illness, discouragement, or discord. Give them strength to navigate any rough waters that may come their way and steady them firmly with your unconditional love.

Let us, as his church family, support, encourage, and respect his leadership and be available to assist him by serving the church in its various ministries. Help us to work together, Lord, in serving you. May you be pleased with our efforts.

In Jesus’ name we pray,



All scripture taken from

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Make today a day in which you try to be all that Christ saved you for and wants you to be.

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Christian wife, mother, grandmother and faith-based blogger.

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